Page 9 - Natural World Spring 2018
P. 9

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                                                                                        daily dose
                                                                                        of nature

Climbing Haystacks above Buttermere,
Lake District, October 2017

With a lipstick palm at the Andromeda Examining a marsh thistle at the Pen              Do something wild every day in
Botanic Gardens in Barbados, Feb 2017 Ponds, Richmond Park, June 2017                   June, and feel better

      People                                think this is a millennial thing, too – we  This June, we’re asking you to
      seem to be                            think we have to have things that are       make room for nature by taking
scared of letting                           organised and personalised for us,          part in 30 Days Wild. Now in its
their kids                                  rather than going out and discovering       fourth year, our month-long
roam around                                 things for ourselves. People aren’t         campaign attracts thousands of
                                            very good at being bored!                   people, all of them doing
letting their kids roam around.                                                         something wild every day for
There’s such a tiny perimeter for             When I was young, my mum would            30 days.
children where they can play on their       send me into the garden. I’d think,
own. But you can’t be scared of a           ‘What should I do now?’ and it’s that         Whether you decide to walk
child falling over in a wood. It’s just a   gap between asking the question and         barefoot in the park, feed the
grazed knee. People say, ‘Don’t climb       no one answering that your                  birds or make elderflower
a tree’. I spent my childhood climbing      imagination starts, and you actually        cordial, there is now evidence
trees! Yeah, I fell out of a few of         have your childhood.                        that these Random Acts of
them. But I also learned not to climb                                                   Wildness can boost your
right out onto the twigs.                   How do you think nature and mental          wellbeing. A study by the
                                            health are connected?                       University of Derby found that
Why do you think we’re becoming             Loving nature and being involved in         30 Days Wild participants felt
disconnected?                               nature gives people a way of talking        happier, healthier and more
We chase things that we think will          about mental health, in a way that          connected to nature – and that
make us happy, rather than the things       they might not have been able to            continued to improve even after
we know will make us happy. When            before. People have wanted to share         the campaign ended.
someone’s old and looks back, they          their stories with me online about
think of family; but the things we get      their own mental health problems. It          Sign up on our website, and
het-up about on a daily basis are           was someone online who gave me              we’ll send you a free pack to
nothing like that.                          the idea for a 15-minute nature fix. It     help you go wild throughout
                                            helps to build something we’ve lost,        June, including ideas and ways
  It’s the same for nature. I think we all  too – community. We’re all so lonely        to get involved with friends,
know that when we go outside in             nowadays. That shared passion for           neighbours and on social media.
nature we feel better. But now we just      nature helps you to find your kindred
download an app and make things a           spirits, and that’s where real               What are you
bit more complicated for ourselves. I       friendships happen.                          waiting for?

                                              Share your photos of wild plants            Sign up, find out
                                            every Sunday at 8pm using                     how to take part
                                            #wildflowerhour                               and get your
                                                                                          FREE pack on

                                                                                            spring 2018 NATURAL WORLD 9
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