Page 7 - Natural World Spring 2018
P. 7

it a bit better’’
She also uses her love of nature to recover from mental illness. Lucy McRobert finds out more

thought, so I started to learn more. It      fly orchid, which is so tiny, you can’t      down. When I sign in to my nature
wasn’t a cure, but I just felt a little bit  focus on the mad stuff, because              Twitter account, there’s people
better about the world.                      you’re having to keep looking the            sharing pictures of mushrooms I’ve
                                             whole time.                                  never seen before. Last year, I
  Then someone posted a picture of                                                        tweeted asking if anyone had any
a fly orchid and I didn’t even know          How have you found the online                tips for spotting wildflowers in a bit
they existed! The next day I went to         nature social networks?                      of Sussex, and my inbox was flooded
the reserve and found it, and the            The natural history network online is        with messages from lovely botany
greater butterfly orchid, and                so good. The amount of abuse you             people who I’d never even met
twayblade, and all these beautiful                                                        before.
flowers. I was still really sick and I had                get as a woman working in
lots of bad thoughts as I was walking                           politics is awful. I’m    You started #wildflowerhour on
around, but it was much better                                     quite a thick-skinned  Twitter on Sunday nights. Why?
than spending my day lying in                                       person, but the       I noticed on Sunday evenings that
bed. It became a way of treating                                     cumulative affect    people shared photos of the
myself. If you’re trying to find a                                    does wear you

                                                                                                                    Isabel near home
                                                                                                                    at Walney Island,


                                                                                          spring 2018 NATURAL WORLD 7
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