Page 10 - Natural World Spring 2018
P. 10

love wildlife

                       Join the linear
                       Where there are people, there are lines: fences, walls, lawns, hedges. To wildlife, these lines can

                       We love lines, yet we have                      Our gardens                     potential and roads along which
                                   come to let them govern             can fit into                    wildlife flourished. For example, in
                                   us. Think about our           a living                              Lincolnshire, a volunteer search for
                       landscapes and you cannot escape          landscape                             wildflowers led to the designation
                       the impact of the lines we have built.                                          of 159 new Local Wildlife Sites on
                       Hedges, ditches, dykes, walls, canals,    would be simple. There would be an    verges along 155 miles of road. 
                       railways, roads and power lines all       easy segregation of lines into good
                       mark out the space we share with          and bad. But very quickly it became     To fix our fragmented land
                       wildlife. Some of the lines are wildlife  apparent that there were hedges       requires a massive change at the
                       corridors and habitats of the highest     that were living up to none of their  highest levels; we need to address
                       order. Others destroy and fragment.                                             environmental, agricultural and
                                                                                                       transport policy to connect our
                         When I started researching my                                                 landscapes for wildlife. Taking an
                       latest book, Linescapes, I was sure it                                          active, landscape-scale approach

paul harris/202vision  Hugh Warwick is                   Birds
                       an ecologist,                 use trees as
                       author and
                       hedgehog lover.                 stepping
                       His latest book is                stones

                                                                    Use gaps in

                                                                     fences to

                       Move from
                        flower to


                       How many lines could your
                       garden have connecting it
                       to other green places?

                       10 NATURAL WORLD spring 2018
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