Page 13 - Natural World Spring 2018
P. 13
sri3et4setsdoturonebdeep3Wag4rratFasnlNaTueneRnsnthardeNdetfsbrus.ayodiWornWtamu2uioalinPe0lrdEnctehl2hwanleasiu3efnsgliega,ltTllWHctlaerTibhrfunereopaaeursd.lsrnitesth,oskatsaNejssE,genlapTancetdtohretguLeedtlraoaoalebnt£lrtady4eeds.ra1ytmnodre Dune dwellers david chapman
Natterjack toad david chapman
‘Boom and bust’ breeding makes
them vulnerable to habitat loss
Feeds on the
decaying roots
of marram
david chapman
Kate Owen is Sea holly
Engagement Metre-long roots make it superbly
Officer for Fylde adapted for growing in loose sand
Sand Dunes
Project, Lancs WT
threats varies. In some places, they been lost here. Using windtrap Yellow geoff simpson
need stabilising and time to rebuild; fencing, marram plug plants and broomrape
in others, they need to become more recycled Christmas trees we have amy lewis
movable and resilient. increased the width of the dunes by A parasite with
up to 30m in five years. We’re lucky no chlorophyll
Lancashire Wildlife Trust is a that the coastline is still accumulating of its own, it
partner on the Fylde Sand Dunes here, allowing us to work with natural steals from
Project, funded by the Environment processes to expand the dunes. the roots of
Agency. Over 80% of the dunes have other plants to
We must conserve this unique survive in dunes
lancs wt habitat, not just to protect its
amazing wildlife, but ourselves as Stonechat
well. Climate change is raising sea
levels and leading to bigger, more Perches atop bushes, with a call like
frequent storms, so these natural stones being knocked together
coastal defences are a vital asset.
Next time you’re at the seaside,
have another look at the dunes – a
shifting, mysterious habitat we would
do well to look after.
Old Christmas trees collect wind-blown n Find out more about dunes on
sand, regrowing a dune naturally
spring 2018 NATURAL WORLD 13