Page 8 - Natural World Spring 2018
P. 8

people & wildlife

different wildflowers they had seen,            There’s a                          they can see how much it means to
so I decided to try and focus it in an          plant that’s                       me. It’s a really satisfying pursuit, and
hour. I wanted everyone to join in        evolved to make                          you’re surrounded by beauty the
and just make the internet lovely.        bees have                                whole time.
When I got ill, I wasn’t really involved  sex with it!
in it. I came back a year later and it                                             Why are some people not so
was trending every Sunday night! I        Westminster, there’s always a            enthusiastic about nature?
thought, ‘How has this happened?’ It      random member of the daisy family        I think the biggest problem is that
was set up on a whim!                     flowering somewhere, like sow thistle    we’re really disconnected from it.
                                          in a pavement crack.                     Some people think you have to go
  People say it makes their Sunday                                                 30 miles in a car to see nature, but
lovely, or it’s helped them with their    How have your friends reacted to         we don’t even notice nature at our
mental health problems. It’s              your wildflower obsession?               feet. Once in Glasgow, I was in a car
encouraged them to explore nature         I really struggle with people who        park and I noticed a scrubby patch
reserves that they’ve never been to       don’t have hobbies. I don’t              of land with birch trees, and I could
before. Lots of people are nervous        understand how you can make your         see some shapes that looked like
about joining in, but there is so much    life that intentionally boring! There’s  broad-leaved helleborines. So I crept
enthusiasm that they feel really          so much to learn about. Who doesn’t      into the undergrowth – getting some
welcome really quickly.                   think it’s interesting that there’s a    pretty weird looks – and there were
                                          plant that’s evolved to make bees        hundreds of these beautiful plants
You do a 15-minute nature fix every       have sex with it? Most of my friends     growing under people’s noses.
day. How do you find the time?            are never going to climb around
It’s about saying ‘no’ to stuff and       looking for a dune helleborine, but        People think that when they’ve
prioritising my 15 minutes in nature.                                              finished school that’s it for learning,
I’d love to do everything I get                                                    that curiosity isn’t something to
offered, but I’d rather be mentally                                                cultivate. There’s a fear of curiosity
well and those 15 minutes outside are                                              and a fear of nature; people seem to
just more important. Even in                                                       be scared of going outdoors and

Isabel has loved the outdoors her
whole life. “I like mud, and being
close to trees.”

8 NATURAL WORLD spring 2018
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