Page 6 - Natural World Spring 2018
P. 6

people & wildlife

               ‘‘Nature makes
               Isabel Hardman is familiar on our screens and airwaves as one of the UK’s top political journalists.

               As a political journalist on radio        Where did your love for wildflowers       How exactly does that work?
                        and TV, and assistant editor of  come from?                                When I was very sick, I started to go
                        The Spectator, Isabel            As a kid I learnt the different garden    for lots of walks and write down and
               Hardman knows how to survive in           plants. It was only this year that I got  photograph every wildflower that I
               the shark pool. What sets her apart       really into botany. I was on sick leave.  found. I didn’t know as many as I
               from most other hard-nosed hacks is       I have post-traumatic stress disorder,
               a passion for wildflowers, and being      and the symptoms are depression                 I didn’t even
               completely open about suffering           and anxiety, and lots of flashbacks.            know a fly
               from depression. Recently she made                                                  orchid existed!
               two Radio 4 programmes about                Focusing on nature makes you            The next day
               nature’s ability to improve mental        attend to the now, rather than what       I found one
               health. Lucy McRobert from The            has happened or might happen. It
               Wildlife Trusts met Isabel on Walney      helps take me away from the
               Island in Cumbria, to talk about          flashbacks, as well as the depression
               nature, health and her love of botany.    and the anxiety. It doesn’t solve it,
                                                         but it makes it a bit better.

leanne bolger   Lucy McRobert is
                Manager for The
                Wildlife Trusts,
                Random Acts of
                Wildness for all!
               6 NATURAL WORLD spring 2018
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