Page 14 - Natural World Spring 2018
P. 14

great days out

Top places to see

Red squirrels

One of our most endearing creatures, red squirrels are now extremely
rare, but you can still enjoy watching them in parts of the UK

Mark hamblin/2020vision

T here is something so special           1 Brownsea Island                       Where is it?
        about seeing your first red         Dorset Wildlife Trust                Bouldnor Forest Centre, Yarmouth,
        squirrel, nimbly darting         Start your adventure with a             Isle of Wight PO41 0AB
through the treetops, or nibbling        20-minute boat trip from Poole to       Map ref: SZ 366 898
seeds off pine cones before tossing      Brownsea Island, where the feeders
aside the core like an apple. These      at The Villa Wildlife Centre are often  3 Treborth Botanic Garden
rare and beautiful mammals can only      visited by red squirrels.                    Bangor University
be found in small pockets of the UK,     Map ref: SZ 028 878                     Red squirrels have been seen here
but here are our top                                                             since 1976. Search for them in the
recommendations for where to spot        2 Bouldner Forest                       native woodland and orchards, or
them across England, Wales,                   Hants and Isle of Wight WT         visit the special collections in the six
Scotland and Northern Ireland. Our       The pine trees of this former naval     glasshouses.
top tip: watch the forecast first. Much  training base are now home to           Where is it?
like us, red squirrels don’t like wet    red squirrels. Explore the coastal      Treborth Botanic Garden, Bangor
and windy days, so pick a day when       footpath from the Boulder viewpoint,    University, Gwynedd LL57 2RQ
the sun is shining.                      scanning the treetops.                  Map ref: SH 555711

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