Page 7 - Natural World Summer 2018
P. 7

Matt Gaw is
                                                                                  a writer and
                                                                                  journalist who
                                                                                  works with
                                                                                  Su olk Wildlife

                                                                                      Who wouldn’t
                                                                                  want to be here?

                                                                                     Su olk’s River
                                                                                    Stour is greatly
                                                                                  changed, but it’s

                                                                                       still beautiful

v-shaped valleys, or follows paths             Water                              advanced, rivers were modified.
gouged by long-gone glaciers. Later            gathers as                         Water was impounded for mills,
the streams converge to create a         rain, dew or                             abstracted for farming, drinking and
river, which meanders through the        snowmelt                                 industry. The channels were
landscape. The flow forms shingle                                                  straightened and deepened for
bars and sparkling braids, chuckling     still possess fully-functioning natural  transport and drainage. The
over ri es as it pulses towards the      processes. Over the centuries, as        relationship between the water and
sea over clay, sand, gravel and rock     development and agriculture              the floodplains fractured.
– shaping the land as it goes, cutting,
carrying and depositing silt.                                                       It’s hard to imagine how the Lark
                                                                                  used to look. In prehistoric times it
  Few rivers in England and Wales                                                 was part of a delta, a wild landscape

                                                                                  SUMMER 2018 NATURAL WORLD 7
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