Page 2 - Natural World Summer 2018
P. 2
Campaign begins for
Nature’s recovery
We all need the future to be more wild as an urgent priority.
Please help us build momentum for a Nature Recovery Network
A s we stand on the brink of The campaign for a Network wellbeing and prosperity,” said Nigel
the biggest ever shake-up of kicked o with a presentation at Doar, Director of Strategy at The
environmental rules, The Westminster in May. 48 MPs heard Wildlife Trusts. “Nature needs to
Wildlife Trusts are calling for The Wildlife Trusts explain the need recover – for the sake of wild plants
politicians to introduce new laws to to rebuild nature after decades of and animals, and for everything it
build a wilder, better Britain. destructive practices. brings us: better health, climate
control, flood management,
Central to this would be a “We know from research across the enjoyment, employment and more.”
requirement for Local Authorities globe that a healthy, wildlife-rich
to produce local Nature Recovery natural world is essential for our The Westminster Government
Maps, showing where the recently consulted on future English
remaining wildlife is and how it can Nature planning policies and public
be reconnected and expanded. needs to payments to farmers. As part of their
These maps, produced with wide recover – for campaign for a Nature Recovery
local consultation, would join up to everything it Network, The Wildlife Trusts lobbied
form a national Nature Recovery brings us strongly for the planning system to
Network. For the first time our protect Local Wildlife Sites, and for
landscapes would be farmed and government payments to farmers
developed in an integrated way that help them create and look after
that benefits people and wildlife. places for wildlife.
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