Page 5 - Natural World Summer 2018
P. 5

A Nature Recovery                   Good enough to                        RUPERT PAUL, NIALL BENVIE
                                                              Network (p2)                eat – if you’re a
                                                            would give the
                                                                water vole a

                 Water voles still declining,                                             Root for worms!                       GINA GAVIGAN
                 says new research
                                                                                          The Wildlife Trusts have
TERRY WHITTAKER  The water vole is still heading for  It has now vanished from 94% of     launched their wildlife
                 extinction. That’s the stark         places where it once was.           gardening campaign with the
                 conclusion of research led by The                                        RHS. This year, we’re encouraging
                 Wildlife Trusts. Analysing data        This would be even worse          everyone to go wild for worms,
                 collected over ten years has         without The Wildlife Trusts and     nature’s engineers, by helping them
                 revealed that the water vole’s       others carrying out river           in your garden: try making a
                 distribution has declined by 30%     restoration and reintroductions     compost heap for starters!
                 since 2006 in England and Wales.     across the UK. The causes are well  More on
                                                      known: habitat loss, water
                       It has now                     pollution, built development and      Happy:
                       vanished                       predation by the North American       Grace (and
                 from 94% of                          mink. Ellie Brodie, Senior Policy     buttercups)
                 its former                           Manager for The Wildlife Trusts,      at Teifi
                 haunts                               says: “We’re working hard to bring    Marshes
                                                      them back, but much more is           reserve
                                                      needed if we’re going to stop this
                                                      creature disappearing altogether.   Nature: good for you
                                                      We need commitment to a Nature
                                                      Recovery Network.”                  Following 30 Days Wild this June,
                                                                                          researchers at the University of
                                                                                          Derby have proved that seeing
                                                                                          beauty in the natural world leads to
                                                                                          improved wellbeing and happiness.
                                                                                          The three-year study involved
                                                                                          thousands of participants, and
                                                                                          demonstrated the positive impact
                                                                                          of wildlife on our health.

Local Wildlife Sites                                  Support from                        ...and Rebecca
                                                             Labour’s                     Pow of the
      resource. Designated Local                                                          Conservatives
      Wildlife Sites cover 3% of Wales                Hilary Benn...
      and Northern Ireland, 5% of
      England and 1.7% of the Isle of                                                                                           NICKI DYAS
      Man. They are recognised and
      protected in planning policy – the
      process is one of their only
      protections – but nevertheless
      some are still lost each year.

        Because of your action, Housing
      Minister Dominic Raab has agreed
      to revisit the wording (in England).
      Thank you! But these special
      spaces are far from secure – we
      may need your help again soon to
      save our Local Wildlife Sites.

                                                                                          SUMMER 2018 NATURAL WORLD 5
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