Page 10 - Natural World Summer 2018
P. 10


                       Stay wild
                       Nature is good for you – so make the most of your local                                 Liz Bonnin is a
                       green space this summer, says Liz Bonnin                                                biochemist, wild
                                                                                                               animal biologist
MAIN PIC: PENNY DIXIE  This June, The Wildlife Trusts            a few days. They might even last a            and science and
                               asked everyone to notice          whole year.                                   wildlife presenter
                               nature everywhere, every day.
                       Hundreds of thousands of you took           So this summer, treat your body           Families all over the
                       part in 30 Days Wild, carrying out        and mind as often as you can. Go for        UK are going to stay
                       literally millions of Random Acts of      a long walk, pick the blackberries in       wild this June, no
                       Wildness.                                 the hedgerows, take o your shoes            matter where they
                                                                 and feel the grass underfoot, and           live. Will you?
                         So why not stay wild? Nothing           breathe. There are pockets of green
                       restores you like spending time in        everywhere, even in our busiest          make a real di erence; it’s only
                       nature – the breeze in your face, the     cities. I live in London and love to     through individual actions that we
                       fragrance of grasses and flowers           cycle around Richmond Park in            can bring about the change our
                       warmed by the summer sun, the soft        search of its red deer, or enjoy the     natural world needs to thrive.
                       buzz of insects and trills of birdsong.   majestic oaks.
                                                                                                            No matter where you live, you
                         We know nature makes us feel              Many of the UK’s wilder places         can benefit from our natural world
                       good. But now, there is mounting          have a special place in my heart         and play a big part in protecting it.
                       evidence that it can improve your         too: the breathtaking mountains          The people around you can too, so
                       energy levels and mood, lessen                                                     share your wild experiences with
                       hypertension, respiratory tract and             You can                            friends and families. Stay wild, stay
                       cardiovascular illnesses, and reduce            benefit                             connected to nature, and have a
                       anxiety and depression.                   from our                                 wonderful summer!
                                                                 natural world
                         Over the past three years, The
                       Wildlife Trusts have also proved          and lakes in Scotland’s Cairngorms
                       that taking part in 30 Days Wild          National Park; the magical Lundy
                       improves health, happiness, and the       Island in the Bristol Channel with its
                       desire to protect nature. It starts with  colourful pu ns and playful seals;
                       the beauty of nature, connecting us       the impossibly beautiful coast of
                       more deeply to the natural world.         Pembrokeshire (and the chance to
                       As our appreciation increases, so         clamber over rocks and jump into
                       does our happiness. This, in turn,        crystal clear waters).
                       encourages people to do more to
                       help wildlife and take action for           One of my favourite experiences is
                       nature. The impacts don’t just last       to listen to the echolocation calls of
                                                                 bats at dusk. It’s already quite lovely
                       Liz on Rathlin island, famous for its     to watch them darting back and
                       pu ns, o the Northern Irish coast         forth in the stillness of the evening
                                                                 as they pick o their prey, but with
                                                                 a bat detector, an entirely di erent
                                                                 and thrilling scene reveals itself. The
                                                                 the bats vocalise with incessant
                                                                 high frequency squeaks and clicks
                                                                 that allow them to manoeuvre at
                                                                 lightning speed without crashing into
                                                                 each other, locating the insects with
                                                                 sublime precision.

                                                                   It’s never been more important to
                                                                 protect our wild places, so that the
                                                                 health of our planet’s ecosystems,
                                                                 and ultimately our health, is
                                                                 safeguarded. Each individual can

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