Page 4 - BBOWT Annual Review 2015-16
P. 4
Key areas
for water voles
in the three
counties have
grown by
Highlights from 2010-2015
Restoring Nature Engaging People
Our ambition to restore and protect rare habitats Over the last five years BBOWT has brought
was achieved through the generosity of our nature conservation to life and inspired
supporters and externally-funded projects. These thousands of people to take action for wildlife.
were mainly on our reserves, and now provide
vital ‘stepping stones’ for wildlife to thrive in the BBOWT led more than 5,000 events and
wider landscape. They include: actively engaged with thousands of visitors
Chilterns Chalk Grassland, Bucks & Oxon: through expert-led walks, workshops and
restoration of chalk flowers, butterflies and conservation activities.
juniper improved our reserves and nearby land.
Water Vole Recovery Project: water voles are We took on organising the Oxford Festival of
expanding their territories thanks to the work Nature, which is now held over a fortnight each
of landowners changing the way they manage June and attracts thousands of visitors to a wide
streams and rivers. range of events and activities.
Wild Oxford, Oxon: restored fenland habitats
on Oxford City Council nature reserves Our army of active volunteers continues to
actively engaging hundreds of local people in number more than 1,400 people who contribute
volunteering, and raising awareness of valuable their time in a wide variety of ways. Many of
local nature reserves. them have volunteered with BBOWT for several
years (even decades) among the 46 groups
working on our nature reserves, while most join
their local work parties for a year or two.