Page 10 - BBOWT Annual Review 2015-16
P. 10
Conservation Report 2015
of nature
reserves are now
in a favourable,
Every three years we assess the condition of Our nature reserves improved or
wildlife on our nature reserves and beyond support many amazing recovering
to see whether our conservation efforts are species and habitats, so
succeeding. Using the information we gather it is great to know that our position
we can better understand how well we are
achieving our vision of ‘an environment rich work is helping to ensure their
in wildlife, valued by all’ and ensure that we long-term survival.
continue to do the best for local wildlife. Nature reserve management will continue
to be a complex and dynamic task, especially
Analysis of the results from our latest nature at this time when environmental factors,
reserve health assessment shows that over such as climate change, are shifting at an
the past three years we have made a fantastic unprecedented rate. In-depth understanding of
difference to local wildlife. the challenges we are likely to encounter, as well
as those already being felt, will better position us
Since the previous report in 2012, the overall to tackle them.
ecological value of our reserves has continued It is only through the continued efforts of our
to increase. In 2015, 95% of all nature reserves many dedicated volunteers and members that
with known status were in favourable, improved we have been able to ensure our local wildlife
or recovering condition (this excludes sites taken thrives.
on since the last report).