Page 20 - August 2016 WN complete final version
P. 20

The rocky
            horror show

            Rockpools are a vital part of the summer
            holidays. And that’s before you know
            what’s really going on in them.
            Jules Howard explains

jack perks  Jules Howard
            Zoologist Jules is
            author of Sex on
            Earth: a celebration
            of animal

            Imagine a world consumed each day in          providing an amazing hairdo of                     No shell is safe
               a washing machine of tidal violence,       camouflage, and some of the animals, like          from the
               where daily battles are fought over        the snakelocks anemone, photosynthesise.      pneumatic
             scraps of food and shelter. Where shells,    Here, sea slugs steal poisonous cells from    crowbarring of a
             suckers and tentacles outnumber              other creatures and wear them on their        starfish’s
             backbones. Such a place exists today. It is  back like armour. This is their world, not    stomach
             called a rockpool. And it is a writhing      ours. And it is an interesting place indeed.
             hotbed of weirdness: a place where new                                                     passers-by, forming a literal ‘sex train’ of
             creatures are swapped about with                 Thrown into their twice-daily tidal       up to 25 individuals.
             mind-bending irregularity.                   maelstrom, rockpool dwellers must make
                                                          the most of every opportunity they get.           Shelled creatures occupy pride of place
                 Here, boneless animals such as the       Their sex lives reflect that. Many, like the  in most rockpools. There are shelled
             bootlace worm grow metres in length or,      sea slugs, are hermaphrodites, able to put    worms (bristleworms), shelled tiny
             like the velvet swimming crab, come          every encounter with a fellow of the same
             armed with fierce red eyes, razor sharp      species to good use. Then there are the
             pincers and an attitude to match. Here,      slipper limpets, an alien invader that
             crabs decorate their shells with seaweed     pumps out special chemicals to attract

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