Page 6 - August 2016 WN complete final version
P. 6

Wwailldk onstihde e

Three BBOWT supporters share their favourite                                                                          Day dreaming atop Chinnor Hill. (Sue Croxford)
nature reserves for a wildlife-themed walk

On top of the world

The Ridgeway is an ancient          of their amazing seasonal                       autumn berries and the site            Saffrondrop bonnets. (Sue Croxford)
trackway that runs, in part,        treasures.                                      is full of the whirrs and chirps
along the spine of the Chilterns,                                                   of crickets and grasshoppers.     fantastic fungi, including
linking some of our region’s            Fabulous fungi of all                       Spiky juniper bushes cling to     majestic magpie inkcaps and,
most magical nature reserves.       shapes, sizes and colours pop                   the slopes and a careful look     my favourite, the out-of-this-
Perched high up in the hills, from  up in the woods on Chinnor                      through the prickly needles       world collared earthstar.
Oakley Hill and Chinnor Hill        Hill. Delicate saffrondrop                      may reveal some rare juniper
in Oxfordshire, then on to          bonnet mushrooms grow out                       shieldbugs.                           Stroll along this stretch of
Grangelands and The Rifle           of fallen beech masts and huge                                                    the Ridgeway, pop into one of
Range, Bacombe Hill and             dinner plate-sized funnelcap                        Grangelands and The           these wonderful reserves and
Dancersend in Bucks, you            mushrooms troop between                         Rifle Range lies a few miles      you’re sure to leave feeling on
can gaze out over simply            the trees. Violet helleborines                  further along the Ridgeway.       top of the world.
breathtaking views and enjoy        can be found flowering in the                   After a rain shower you’ll
the sight of majestic red kites     dense shade and the twinkling                   find huge Roman snails, with      Sue Croxford, nature
as they soar effortlessly over      purple stars of Chiltern gentian                their golf ball-sized shells      enthusiast and blogger. Visit:
the hillside. Autumn is the         put on a dazzling display                       and chalky bodies. When the
perfect time to explore these       out on the peaceful chalk                       sun’s shining, look out for
reserves and discover some          grassland. Butterflies feast on                 the smoky wings of chalkhill
                                    the profusion of flowers and                    blue butterflies and pretty
                                                                                    little silver-spotted skippers
          Get out there!                                                            enjoying this flower-rich
                                                                                    herb garden. Listen out for
            n	 Make a day of it on one of our Wild Walks. Each walk incorporates    the laughing yaffle of green
               at least one nature reserve as well as the surrounding countryside.  woodpeckers and, if you’re
               Visit:                       very lucky, the gurgling croak
                                                                                    of a raven. The woods and
n	 Seeking further inspiration? Then check out some of the best reserves for        grassland are full of more
   a summer stroll or autumn amble at:

6 Wildlife news
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