Page 10 - BBOWT Annual Review 2016-17
P. 10
Valuing nature 54
benefitsby explaining its Number of BBOWT nature reserves
making an identifiable contribution
Putting financial and cultural values on nature may seem to water quality and flood regulation
crude, even unnatural, but it can help us make the case
for a countryside that is richer in wildlife, and that 261ha
brings benefits for people.
In-depth analysis of Chimney
Meadows nature reserve
Highest number of individual
ecosystem services identified from
Chimney Meadows nature reserve
D uring 2016 BBOWT These are evident in the success of
completed an initial BBOWT’s nature therapy projects
review of the in West Berkshire. Members of
ecosystem services that Eight Bells for Mental Health,
our nature reserves a Newbury-based charity
provide to better understand how supporting adults affected by
we should communicate the value mental health issues took part in
of our work to society. We found a sessions at the Nature Discovery
compelling story for decision-makers Centre in Thatcham.
which led to an in-depth analysis of
one of our nature reserves. During the 12-week project 14
participants attended sessions
BBOWT is carrying out this work at when they were immersed in
Chimney Meadows to estimate nature, enjoying outdoor walks
the economic value of converting and spotting wildlife. Their mental
a commercial farm to a nature wellbeing and connection to nature
reserve, including the value of its were monitored at the start and end
contribution to clean water, flood of the project.Everyone experienced
storage and recreation. Identifying a significant increase in their mental
the economic value of protecting wellbeing, and most said they felt an
land for nature will show affinity with nature.
decision-makers why they must
value the services that nature Social interaction in nature is also
provides, and create a vital advocacy beneficial for people living with
tool for BBOWT. dementia, and their loved ones.
BBOWT’s Nature Memories Café,
The cultural values of ecosystem run with West Berkshire Council, is
services include nature for recreation increasing people’s independence
and people’s sense of place. and self-esteem.
Eight Bells video:
10 Berks,Bucks & Oxon Wildlife Trust | Annual Review 2016/17