Page 2 - Annual Review 2014-15
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Welcome                                                 Contents

           What an exciting year                                                    4 Spaces for nature
                                     it has been! Thanks                            Our continuing work to
                              to everyone, especially our                           protect wildlife havens
                              volunteers and members,                               for everyone to enjoy
                              we’re making a hugely                                 6 Joined up thinking
                              positive difference for wildlife                      Working in partnership
                              in our three counties. Your                           so that both wildlife
continued support enables us to make the most of                                    and people can thrive
new partnerships and opportunities for wildlife.                                    8 Inspiring others
     We manage our nature reserves to ensure a future                               Bringing conservation
for wildlife, and they are of course a special place for                            to life for local people
people to enjoy. The grazing regime at Iffley Meadows                               10 Championing
during 2014 enabled a record-breaking 89,830 snake’s-                               wildlife
head fritillaries to flourish in April. Careful attention to                        How BBOWT stands up
chalk grassland at Aston Clinton Ragpits resulted in a                              for wildlife at all levels
bonanza of 24,089 orchids counted in June 2015.                                     11 Raising our profile
     We’ve added a very special nature reserve to                                   Promoting what we do
our portfolio: Yoesden, a small but wonderful chalk                                 through the media
grassland site nestled in the Chiltern Hills. This was our
first full year’s management of Meadow Farm and the                                 12 Annual accounts
sites that transferred from West Berkshire Council.                                 Details of our income
     We engaged with over 4,000 people through: Wild                                and expenditure
Oxford, the Oxford Festival of Nature, the Big Nature
Count in Thatcham and a full events programme.
     In the run-up to the General Election the Wildlife
Trusts asked our politicians for two pledges: develop
a Nature and Wellbeing Act, and a coherent network
of Marine Protected Areas around the UK. All political
parties gave their broad support, but let’s see if those
commitments are followed through.
     As we look forward to the coming years, it is with
hope, confidence and determination that we continue
to plan for nature’s recovery across our three counties.
     Our new five-year Strategic Plan will be launched
in 2016. Against the backdrop of increased pressures
on land use, driven by economic recovery and the
need to engage people with nature, this will be a
challenging task. We have set a 25-year vision: how
we plan to ensure a future for wildlife, restoration
of natural ecosystems at landscape scale and a
population that is engaged with nature.

Estelle Bailey                                                   14 Thank you
Chief Executive                                                  Acknowledgement
                                                                 from BBOWT to our
 Front cover photo: Kingfisher © Jamie Hall                      2014-15 supporters
 Photo: Estelle Bailey © Ric Mellis. Design: Kate Titford/BBOWT

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