Page 2 - Conservation Impact Report 2016
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This report provides a summary of the impact of management practices. As BBOWT has adopted
conservation work conducted by the Berkshire, relatively low input conservation strategies that can be
Buckinghamshire and Oxfordshire Wildlife Trust used alongside hay making and grazing management,
(BBOWT). The aim of the report is to demonstrate that a the report presents these as options many landowners
conservation strategy can have a significant impact on could take up.
nature, and that in a period where nature is in decline
these efforts are more important than ever. Fen, reedbed, wet grassland, lowland heath, pond, lake
and river species are under threat from habitat loss and
This report identifies seven different habitats managed declining water quality: all these habitats require some
by BBOWT where a conservation strategy has been put form of national protection.
in place. It reveals that these strategies have a positive
impact on indicator species. The report also reviews The landholdings analysed in this report represent
these habitats within a national context. some of the last havens for nature in the three counties.
What is required are joined up habitats allowing for
The report concludes that in the wider countryside ecological connectivity across a landscape. It is hoped
species associated with woodlands, calcareous that this report demonstrates that conservation
grasslands, meadows, hedgerows, farmland and strategies have tangible benefits to wildlife that are
rough grasslands, are in decline due to changes in worthwhile taking.
Chalk-fragrant orchids